
Monday, September 17, 2007

We are all peakists now - Schlesinger

[Link: David Strahan | An interview with Dr. James Schlesinger]

Wow. The big boys are coming out of the Peak Oil Closet now, aren't they. The papers and airwaves have been filled with Alan Greenspan's claim, from his new book, that Iraq was indeed about oil. Of course he is backing down in the heat of day. Now this linked interview with former US Energy Secretary Dr. James Schlesinger in which he admits that behind closed doors the oil company executives have conceded that Peak Oil is eminent. And I expect Dr. Schlesinger is not only privy to the information he is sharing but probably is sharing it with full knowledge of those he claims to be quoting. I have often wondered what form the official disclosure of Peak Oil would take. I always supposed it would be a stream of increasingly more authoritative pronouncements subtly fed to us over time until we could no longer deny their message. I would not be surprised that we are beginning to hear our "official" warning signals.

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